Writing Task 1

Day 4

The tables illustrate about mutation sales of fairtrade-labelled coffee and bananas in the year 1999 to 2004 in five different nations in Europe, such as UK, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, and Sweden.

It can be seen from the tables that sales of fairtrade-labelled coffee in all countries were rising up from 1994 to 2004, but only three countries which went up in fairtrade-labelled bananas from five countries. Overall, both sales fairtrade -labelled coffee and bananas in UK surged tremendously.

The sales of fairtrade of coffee in UK and Denmark in 1999 was around 1.8 millions of euros while Switzerland was topper at 3 millions. Whereas Belgium’s and Sweden’s number approached 1 million.

In 2004, the sales fairtrade of coffee in UK rocketed dramatically to 20 millions. It was three times higher than Switzerland’s number in 2004 which was only 6 millions. However, three other countries increased slightly.

While in sales of banana fairtrade in 1999 in UK enormously increased from 15 millions to 47 millions in 2004. And both of Switzerland and Denmark went up minimally from 1 to 5.5 millions and 0.6 to 4 millions since 5 years after 1999. Unfortunately, sales of bananas fairtrade in Belgium and Sweden dived slightly from 1.8 to 1 million and 2 to 0.9 million respectively.

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